Monday, 10 November 2008

FES Logo: Revisited

Right, so following a further discussion with Falconer Engineering Services I have now extended the project by client request.

I have to design an additional 5 icons representing the services of the company, Mechanical, Electrical, Instrumental, Control and Automation. It is so that the type of clients that may be interested in FES will know what type of Engineering services are available as there are many different specialisms within the industry (like most other industries!).

So anyway, I went away and came up with 5 icons which were suggested,

Mechanical - Nut and bolt
Electrical - Lightbulb
Instrumental - Pressure Gauge
Control - Keyboard
Automation - Robotic Arm

All of which were deemed "perfect", however I struggled to think of a way in which to get it across without altering my original designs/ layouts for the stationary and logo etc. Therefore, I rehashed an old idea I had for the Don't Panic poster I did earlier this term and created a repeating pattern which sits across the back of the stationary sheets. It gives the paper more value and the client really likes it so I guess its a winner.

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